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Microsoft Excel

The Basics of Using Excel


Following: Graphing with Excel

Excel works somewhat differently from a word processor like Word, and provides a powerful approach to manipulating large amounts of data, whether quantitative or categorical.

This tutorial covers the fundamentals of using Excel: selecting data, editing it, and formatting it.



  1. Deleting Cell Ranges

  2. Duplicating or Moving Cell Ranges

  3. Inserting a Blank Cell Range

  4. Sorting a Cell Range

Getting Started

In this tutorial you'll be working on a specific set of data, so the first step is to make your own copy.

Excel files are called workbooks, and have a file type of .xls (the older format) or .xlsx (the newer 2007/2008 format).

Set Up: Starting Windows Excel and Getting the Tutorial Data

  1. Click on the menu Start Menu Icon Start.
  2. Click on the menu itemExcel 2007 Icon Exce.
  3. Once Excel opens, click on the menu File, then click on the menu item Open, then on Computer, and finally on FIle Open Icon Browse.
  4. In the dialog Open, in the field File name:, copy-and-paste (or type) the Internet address (URL) http://ats.amherst.edu/software/excel/basics/stateinfo.xlsx, and click on the button Open.
  5. The banner PROTECTED VIEW will display across the top of the file; click the button Enable Editing.
  6. Excel will download the file into a cache where it is read-only, so to create your own editable copy, again click on the menu File, and then click on the menu item Save As Button Save As, then on Computer, and finally on FIle Open Icon Browse.
  7. In the dialog Save As, navigate to one of these two locations:
    1. the local hard drive on your own computer  C:, e.g. onto your Desktop.
    2. your network drive  U:, especially if you are using a College computer.
  8. Correct the file name, e.g. to stateinfo.xlsx. Then click on the button Save.

Set Up: Starting Mac Excel and Getting the Tutorial Data

  1. In the Mac Finder, open the folder Applications , then double-click on Excel 2007 Icon Microsoft Excel.app.
  2. Once Excel opens, click on the menu File, then click on the menu item Open URL….
  3. In the dialog Open URL, in the field URL:, copy-and-paste (or type) the Internet address https://ats.amherst.edu/software/excel/basics/stateinfo.xlsx, and click on the button Open.
  4. Excel will download the file into a cache where it is read-only, so to create your own editable copy, again click on the menu File, and then click on the menu item Save As Button Save As.
  5. In the dialog Save As, navigate to one of these two locations:
    1. the local hard drive on your own computer Macintosh HD, e.g. onto your Desktop.
    2. your network drive  Userfiles:, especially if you are using a College computer.
  6. Correct the file name, e.g. to stateinfo.xlsx. Then click on the button Save.

Working with Sets of Data

Microsoft Excel provides a powerful approach to manipulating large amounts of data.


When you open an Excel workbook, it will display a table of information, such as this collection of the United States and some of their characteristics:

An Excel spreadsheet of state characteristics.

This rectangular array of data is known as a spreadsheet.

Each piece of data appears in its own cell, which are labeled in their column headers by A, B, C, ... and in their row headers by 1, 2, 3, ....

So, you can reference Florida's state flower, the orange blossom, by the combination C11 that describes its cell.

As you can see in the picture above, when cells are selected, they are surrounded by a green border, and the corresponding column and row headers are colored green.

At the bottom of the window you should see a set of tabs, here Dates, Symbols, Cities, Statistics, and Regions.

These tabs let you choose between multiple spreadsheets stored in this workbook.

Experiment: Click on the different tabs to see what information is stored in this workbook's sheets. Use the scrollbars on the right and bottom of the window to move through the material.

Note that data can be both categorical, as in the Symbols, Cities, and Regions sheets, and quantitative, as in the Dates and Statistics sheets.

By default, data that is recognized as numerical in nature (including dates and times) will be right-justified in their cell; all other data will be left-justified.

The orange blossom cell C11, being part of the sheet Symbols, can be referenced from anywhere in the workbook by the expression Symbols!C11. Similarly, the population of Delaware can be referenced by Statistics!D9.

Selecting Cell Ranges

Each cell in a spreadsheet is a tiny container of information, and a little later we'll see how to edit that information.

First, however, we'll learn how to manipulate many cells all at once by selecting them in groups, called cell ranges.

Try each of these methods for selecting single cells:

  • You can select a cell with a single click on it (see the image above where C11 is selected). (Avoid double-clicking for the time being!)
  • You can change the selection to adjacent cells by pressing the arrow keys , , , to move in the corresponding direction. You can also use the keys Tab and Shift-Tab to move right and left, respectively, and the keys Enter and Shift-Enter to move down and up, respectively.
  • You can also move the selection to the end of a block of contiguous filled cells by holding down the Ctrl key and pressing an arrow key.

A single selected cell is called the active cell.

Now try each of these methods for selecting cell ranges:

  • You can select entire columns or rows of cells by clicking on their header (e.g. on C or 11, respectively):
  • You can select an arbitrary rectangle of contiguous cells by click-holding and dragging across them.
    Here the cell A2 was clicked on, and while holding down the mouse button, dragged over and down to cell B8 to produce a rectangular cell range:
  • You can also select any number of adjacent rows or columns by click-holding on their header and dragging across them.

    Here the column header B was clicked on and dragged over to the column header D:

Notice that in each of the previous pictures, all but one of the cells in the range is gray; this cell is the active cell for this range, and it provides a reference for subsequent actions on the range.

You can move the active cell around within the cell range using the keys Tab and Shift-Tab to move right and left, respectively, and the keys Enter and Shift-Enter to move down and up, respectively. Here you cannot use the arrow keys , , , , which change the selection.

If you already have a cell range selected, you can change or extend the selection in a number of ways:

  • To select everything up to and including another cell, column, or row, hold down the Shift key and click on the latter range.

    Note that the final selection is determined only by the location of the final range relative to the active cell of the original selection, so some of the original cells may be removed.
  • To add an adjacent cell, column, or row, hold down the Shift key and press an arrow key.

    Pressing the opposite arrow key will undo this addition.
  • To add everything through to the end of a block of contiguous filled cells, hold down the the Shift and Ctrl keys, then press an arrow key.
  • To select the column or columns encompassing the selection, hold down the Ctrl key and then press the Space key.
  • To select the row or rows encompassing the selection, hold down the Shift key and then press the Space key.
  • To select the entire surrounding block of contiguous filled cells, in both the horizontal and vertical directions, press the key combination Shift-Ctrl-Space (Mac: Command-A ).
  • To add a non-adjacent set of cells, columns, or rows, hold down the Ctrl key ( Command key) and either click on or click-hold-drag over the additional cells, columns, or rows, as with the cells C3, C7, and C11 below:

Editing Cell Ranges

Whenever you want to manipulate a set of data, you can edit them collectively as a range of cells.

Some of the common tasks you will perform including deleting cell ranges, duplicating them, moving them, replacing them, and inserting before them.

Procedure 1: Deleting Cell Ranges

  1. In ArcMap Icon Excel, select the range of cells you want to delete, e.g. sheet Symbols and column C.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Hold down the Ctrl key and then press the - key; or
    • Right-click* on the range of cells to bring up a contextual menu, and then click on the menu item Delete; or
    • Click on the tab Home, then in the ribbon section Cells click on the buttonArcMap Icon Delete.
    • On Mac Excel, click on the menu Edit and then select the menu item Delete….
  3. When a column is deleted, others to its right are shifted left, and they are relabled so there is no gap in the column letters, e.g. column D will be renamed column C.
    Similarly, when a row is deleted, others below it are shifted up, and they are relabled so there is no gap in the row numbers.
    However, if the selection is a rectangular range of cells, there will be a question about how to fill the gap left by the deleted cells, so you are given a few options in a dialog that appears (shown at the right).
    Click on one of these options and then click the button OK.

*Note: Right mouse buttons are not available on many Macintosh computers; in this case, hold down the Ctrl key and then click.

Warning: you may be used to using ArcMap Icon Cut to delete items, but that doesn't work in Excel; it always requires that a cut item be moved somewhere else.

Duplicating and moving cell ranges are very similar, as shown in the next procedure.

Procedure 2: Duplicating or Moving Cell Ranges

In Excel, when you copy (duplicate) or cut (move) cell ranges, the target (destination) will always be another range of cells you have selected (i.e. you can't select “between” cells as when pasting text). The program therefore distinguishes between paste (replace) and insert (place before).

  1. In ArcMap Icon Excel, select the range of cells you want to duplicate or move, e.g. sheet Symbols and row 10.
  2. To copy or cut the cell range, do one of the following:
    • Press the key combination Ctrl-C (Mac: Command-C) or Ctrl-X (Mac: Command-X), respectively; or
    • Right-click on the range of cells to bring up a contextual menu, and then click on one of the menu itemsArcMap Icon Copy or ArcMap Icon Cut; or
    • Click on the tab Home, then in the ribbon section Clipboard click on one of the buttons ArcMap Icon Copy or ArcMap Icon Cut.
    • On Mac Excel or in Google Sheets, click on the menu Edit and then select one of the menu items Copy or Cut.
  3. The cell range you selected is now highlighted with a marquee; if you change your mind and don't want to complete this procedure, you can press the Esc (escape) key any time before the final step to cancel.
  4. Select a target cell range; it's best to choose the same kind as the original: a rectangular cell range, column range, or row range.
    Warning: If the target cell range is smaller than the original, it will be expanded to match during the next step, potentially wiping out adjacent data.
  5. Now either:
    • Replace the target cell range by doing one of the following:
      • Press the key combination Ctrl-V key (Mac: Command-V); or
      • Right-click on the target to bring up a contextual menu, and then click on the menu itemArcMap Icon Paste; or
      • Click on the tab Home, then in the ribbon section Clipboard click on the button ArcMap Icon Paste.
      • On Mac Excel or in Google Sheets, click on the menu Edit and then select the menu item Paste.

      If the original cell range is smaller than the target, it will be duplicated to fill it.

    • Insert before the target cell range by doing one of the following:
      • Press Shift Ctrl + (Mac: Command I);
      • Right-click on the target cell to bring up a contextual menu, and then click one of the menu items Insert Copied Cells or Insert Cut Cells; or
      • In Windows Excel, click on the tab Home, then in the ribbon section Cells click on the button ArcMap Icon Insert.
      • In Mac Excel, click on the menu Insert and then select one of the menu items Copied Cellsor Cut Cells.
      • In Google Sheets, you cannot insert before a range; you must create a blank range as described next, and then replace it as above.

      If the target is a rectangular range of cells, there will be a question about how to move it out of the way to make room for the original cells, so you are given a few options in a dialog that appears (shown at the right).
      Click on one of these options and then click the button OK.


On occasion you may want to create a blank set of cells in the middle of other data.

Procedure 3: Inserting a Blank Cell Range

  1. In ArcMap Icon Excel, select the range of cells where you want to insert a blank cell range, e.g. sheet Symbols and cells C5 through C10.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • In Windows Excel, press Shift Ctrl +; or
    • Right-click on the cell range to bring up a contextual menu, and then click on the menu item Insert…; or
    • Click on the tab Home, then in the ribbon section Cells click on the button ArcMap Icon Insert.
    • In Mac Excel, click on the menu Insert and then select one of the menu items Cells.
  3. If the selection is a rectangular range of cells, there will again be a question about how to move it out of the way to make room for the original cells, so you are given a few options in a dialog that appears (shown at the right).
    Click on one of these options and then click the button OK.

As with other applications on your computer, you can undo any of these changes by pressing the key combination Ctrl-Z key (Mac: Command-Z).

Sorting Cell Ranges

A common task with Excel is the rearrangement of data by sorting it.

The data below is already sorted by State name, i.e. column A:

Warning: you can sort any particular cell range using the values in its columns, but more commonly you will want to sort entire rows to preserve the relative order of data within each row. Excel will not enforce record structure like a database program!

Procedure 4: Sorting a Cell Range

  1. In ArcMap Icon Excel, select the range of cells you want to sort, e.g. sheet Symbols and columns A through F (remember the quick way?).

    Warning: make sure that you select all columns that contain contiguous data so that they are sorted together, otherwise your data will be out of sync.
  2. Move the active cell into the column whose values you want to sort by (or sort by first), e.g. column B:

    Tables commonly have a first line of column titles (a header) that should not be sorted, as in the example above.

    Be aware that Excel will make an educated guess about whether the selected range has a header, and if it concludes so, it will automatically exclude this row from the selection when sorting, and use it to label the columns in its dialogs.
  3. Do one of the following:
    1. Click on the tab Data, then locate the ribbon section Sort & Filter; or
    2. Click on the tab Home, then in the ribbon section Editing click on the pop-up menuArcMap Icon Sort & Filter.
  4. Then:
    1. To sort by the values in the active column only, click on one of the buttonsArcMap IconSort A to Z (Lowest to Highest)or ArcMap IconSort Z to A (Highest to Lowest).

      Be aware that Excel's guess about excluding the header row will apply here, so verify it does this correctly. If not, undo by pressing the key combination Ctrl-Z key (Mac: Command-Z).
    2. To sort by the values in multiple columns, and/or to correct Excel's guess about excluding the header row:
      1. Click on the button ArcMap Icon Sortor the menu item ArcMap Icon Custom Sort(on Mac Excel and Google Sheets, you can also get here directly by clicking on the menu Data, then the menu item Sort…).
      2. In the dialog Sort, the checkbox My data has headers may be checked; change this option depending on whether or not Excel was correct in its guess.
      3. In the pop-up menu Column, choose the correct column to arrange your data, e.g. Bird if your data has a header row, or Column B if it doesn't.
      4. You’ll usually want to leave the pop-up menu Sort On set to Values, but if you’ve done conditional formatting it can sometimes be useful to sort by Cell Color.
      5. In the pop-up menu Order, you can choose a sort order:
        • A to Z (alphabetical or smallest to largest);
        • Z to A (reverse alphabetical or largest to smallest);
        • Custom List… (such as by weekday).
      6. If you want to sort the data by additional criteria, click on the button Add Level and repeat steps iii – v, for example by adding State or Column A to put all states with the same bird in alphabetical order.

Filtering Cell Ranges

If you have a set of data that you (or others) will be repeatedly sorting, or if you want to examine subsets of the data, it’s a good idea to add a filter. It provides a separate sorting capability that will automatically maintain data within rows.

Procedure 5: Filtering a Cell Range

  1. In ArcMap Icon Excel, select the range of cells you want to sort, e.g. sheet Symbols and columns A through F.

    Excel will always assume that the first row of the selection contains column titles, so make sure that’s correct before the next step.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click on the tab Data, then locate the ribbon section Sort & Filter, and click on the button ArcMap Icon Filter.
    • Click on the tab Home, then in the ribbon section Editing click on the pop-up menu ArcMap Icon Sort & Filter, then click the menu itemArcMap Icon Filter.
    • On the Mac, menu Data > AutoFilter.
  3. Each column header will now have a pop-up menu button Pop-up Menu Button next to it:

    If you click on one, e.g. for the column Trees, you’ll see the available options:
    1. ArcMap IconSort A to Z (Lowest to Highest, or Ascending) — note that the column States is currently sorted this way, as indicated by its modified menu button Filter menu button for sorted column.
    2. ArcMap IconSort Z to A (Highest to Lowest, or Descending)
    3. Set up a filter for particular values that will be shown, e.g. for any kind of pine, click on the submenu Text Filters > Contains…, and type in “pine”.
    4. Pick a particular set of items, by unchecking the box (Select All) and then checking, e.g. the box Cottonwood.

      Note that the column Tree is currently filtered, as indicated by its modified menu button Filter menu button for sorted column.

      the filter button is sometimes hard to notice (e.g. it’s off-screen), so you may not always be aware that a table is already filtered.

When a table is filtered, any copies and cuts will only include the visible information, the hidden data will be not included.


Editing Data

Whenever you want to edit a particular piece of data, you can “enter” the cell that contains it and apply the usual editing tools.

Editing Cell Contents

Each cell acts a bit like its own document in a word processor, providing many of the same text-editing capabilities for its contents.

To edit the data in a cell, you must enter the cell, which begins text-editing mode, with the usual flashing vertical-bar cursor, as shown at the right.

You can enter a cell in a few ways (none of which actually use the Enter key!):

  • Completely replace the cell's contents by selecting it and typing the new contents; or
  • Position the text-editing cursor at the end of its contents by selecting it and:
    1. on Windows, pressing the key F2;
    2. on Mac, holding down the key Ctrl and then pressing the key U;
  • Position the text-editing cursor somewhere in its middle by double-clicking on it.

The active cell will still be highlighted as with any selection.

You can now use the usual methods for editing text:

  • moving around by clicking the mouse or pressing arrow keys;
  • typing or deleting text with the keyboard;
  • selecting by double-clicking or clicking-and-dragging with the mouse, or pressing Shift and the arrow keys;
  • cutting, copying, and pasting with menus or the keyboard.

If there is a lot of text in the cell, the cell expands when you enter it, visually overlapping adjacent cells that have no content.

There are a few special keys that don't work in the usual way, but instead exit the cell and end text-editing mode:

  • Enter (Return on the Mac): move down to select the next cell;
  • Shift-Enter (Shift-Return on the Mac): move up to select the next cell;
  • Tab: move right to select the next cell;
  • Shift-Tab: move left to select the next cell;
  • Ctrl-Enter (Ctrl-Return on the Mac): keep that cell selected;
  • Esc: don't save your changes, but keep that cell selected;

Because Enter (Return on the Mac) is used to exit a cell, if you want to have multiple lines of text inside a cell you must start new ones with Alt-Enter (Command-Option-Return on the Mac).

Note: Google Sheets does, in fact, use Enter (Return on the Mac) to enter a selected cell; moving down a column is therefore accomplished with two of these keystrokes sequentially (to enter and then exit the cell).

The Formula Bar

An alternative to editing text in a cell is to use the formula bar; it is visible directly above the column headers.

The formula bar provides a little more room to see what you are typing without overlapping adjacent cells, but otherwise works the same way as editing in a cell.

To edit text in the formula bar, you must first select the cell and then click once anywhere in the formula bar.

The formula bar also provides alternative buttons and that, respectively, save or cancel changes to the cell.

You can expand the size of the formula bar to see multiple lines of text by pointing the cursor at its bottom boundary, and when the cursor becomes a two-way up-down arrow , clicking and dragging the boundary.

Formatting Data

Excel provides many ways to format data, which can improve understanding of its structure and characteristics.

Formatting Cells

There are numerous was to format cells; here are a few of them.

  • To make sure cells are just wide enough to see everything in them, select columns or rows containing them and then autofit them by double-clicking on the bottom boundary of the row number or the right boundary of a column letter.
  • The height of rows can also be adjusted by pointing the cursor at the bottom boundary of the row number, and when the cursor becomes a two-way up-down arrow , clicking and dragging the boundary.

    You can also be precise by menuing Home > Format > Row Height… and typing the number of points (e.g. for 10-point text the default is 13-point height). Then click the button OK.
  • Similarly, the width of columns can be adjusted by pointing the cursor at the right boundary of the column letter, and when the cursor becomes a two-way left-right arrow , clicking and dragging the boundary.

    You can also be precise by menuing Home > Format > Column Width… and typing the number of characters (roughly). Then click the button OK.
  • To change the font face, size, style, or color in particular cells, rows, or columns, select them and then menu Home followed by Font, Font Size, font style like Bold or Italics, or Font Color.

    Here you can also change the background color with the button Fill Color.
  • You can also add borders to particular cells. First select them, and then menu Home and click on the button Borders.

    You can then choose from different sides, All Borders, Outside Borders only, or No Borders to clear them.

    You can also choose Line Style for dashed, thick, and double lines, and Line Color.
  • Changing fonts and using borders helps to distinguish one group of cells from the others:


The Representation of Numbers

One other aspect of "formatting" in Excel is the way that numbers are represented.

  • The representation of numbers will depend on what they are used for, common formats for that purpose, and the precision one desires.
    For example, the same number might have the following purposes:
    • raw: "0.64"
    • currency: "$0.64" (U.S. Dollars)
    • time: "3:24 PM" (a fraction of 24 hours)
    In addition, each of these might be written in different formats:
    • raw: "6.4E-01" (scientific notation) or "64%" (percentage)
    • currency: "64¢"
    • time: "15:24" (military time)
    Finally, we can choose the precision with which we wish to display numbers, whether greater or smaller:
    • raw: "0.6417" or "0.6"
    • currency: "$0.642" or "$1"
    • time: "3:24:03 PM" or "3 PM"
    In all cases, the value of the number as stored by Excel is the same, only the way it is represented is different.
  • The basic formats can be selected by menuing Home and then menuing Number Format, or click on the related buttons for currency $, percentage %, and precision.
  • The General representation is the default; it makes no assumptions, displaying data as originally entered.
    General does, however, right-align recognizeable numbers and left-align other text.
  • All of the various representations and more can be selected and designed by menuing Home > Format > Format Cells…:


The Basics of Using Excel

Following: Graphing with Excel

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