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Geographic Information Systems

Mapping Image Data

Previous: Mapping Geographic Coordinate Data

Following: Editing Map Data

Geographic data is commonly in the form of raster images, such as scanned maps, aerial or satellite photos, and elevation grids.



  1. Determining the Characteristics of a Raster Image

  2. Georeferencing a Scanned Map

Getting Started

Since this tutorial will be using specific maps and data, the first step is to make your own copy of the tutorial data.

Set Up 1: Getting the Tutorial Data

  1. In the Windows Explorer, navigate to the network drive  K: (aka \\Software\Winsoft), open the folder  Maps, and then open the folder  Introduction to GIS.
  2. Drag the folder  mappingimages and its contents to either:
    1. your network drive  U:, e.g. into the folder  My Documents; or
    2. the local hard drive  C:, e.g. onto your Desktop.

The folder  mappingimages contains the following layers:


Since some — but not all — of the ArcGIS components have trouble handling names with spaces or special symbols, do not rename the folders or files.

Set Up 2: Initializing ArcMap and Adding Data

  1. Start up the  ArcMap software (see Constructing and Sharing Maps for details).
  2. Click on the button Add Data Icon Add Data.
  3. In the dialog Add Data, navigate into the folder  mappingimages; if necessary, make a new connection to it (see Constructing and Sharing Maps for details).
  4. In the folder  mappingimages, click on the file  amherst_2004.sid and then ctrl-click on the files  q117894.tifand amherst_boundary.lyrto add them to the selection. The first is an orthophoto of Amherst, and the second is a topographic quadrangle, a scanned map prepared by the United States Geological Survey.
  5. Click on the button Add.

Exercise: Zoom into the lower left corner of this map and click on the quandrangle on and off; how well do the rasters line up with the boundary layer?

The Structure of Raster Data

Geographic raster images have some basic features but still come in a wide variety of formats, which are used for specific purposes.

The Spatial Location of Raster Data

Recall that raster data, such as orthophotos or scanned maps or elevation models, consist of a grid of pixels whose values say something about the surface of the Earth:

Like vector data, the raster data used by GIS will always be defined in one particular spatial reference, where it is a rectangular grid.

However, raster data must also provide the following information relative to the coordinate system of the spatial reference:

  • The location of one pixel (e.g. the center of the upper-left pixel);
  • The size of its pixels, e.g. meters or degrees, which will be either square (usually) or rectangular (rarely);
  • The amount of rotation of the raster relative to the easting and northing directions.

This transformation information allows the position of every pixel to be calculated and correctly displayed relative to other data, and such rasters are said to be georeferenced.

Not surprisingly, when a raster is reprojected to another spatial reference, it will appear with a distorted shape:

Massachusetts State Plane

The transformation information is stored in a number of ways, such as a separate world file, commonly provided on the Internet for georeferenced rasters, e.g. .tfw.

Unfortunately the world file format does not also include the spatial reference, so you must look for that information separately, as an associated .prj file or as a textual description that you must incorporate in the same way as for vector data.

Both types of information will be stored in a .aux file.

The Representation of Pixel Data

Pixel data can be expressed in a number of different formats. Some of the more common ones are:

  • Indexed Color PaletteColor Map or Indexed Color: A single value that is an index into a palette of colors stored with the raster:

    Besides limited-color printed materials, such as the scanned map to the right, these values may also represent categorical data such as soil type, etc.
  • Grayscale: A single value that is commonly displayed using a ramp ranging between black and white Grayscale Ramp Such a ramp is used for "black-and-white" photographs as well as other data.

    Non-photographic data could also be displayed with another color ramp such as Elevation Color Ramp , which is commonly used for elevation.
  • RGB: A triplet of values that is displayed on your computer screen as a visually merged color:

    Computer screen:

    This format is used for color photographs, along with satellite imagery that may substitute another wavelength of light such as infrared, known as Color-Infrared (CIR).

The number of values assigned to each pixel is referred to as the number of bands or channels. Multispectral satellite imagery can have seven or more bands per pixel, but computer display technology will show at most three of them at once.

The values used for each pixel band may be one of several numeric types:

Raster Pixel Types

Pixel Type Pixel Depth Minimum Value Maximum Value
Unsigned Integer 8 bit = 1 byte
  16 bit = 2 bytes
  32 bit = 4 bytes
Signed Integer 8 bit = 1 byte
  16 bit = 2 bytes
  32 bit = 4 bytes
Floating Point (Real) 32 bit = 4 bytes
-3.4 x 1038
1.2 x 1038
Double Precision (Real) 64 bit = 8 bytes
-2.2 x 10308
1.8 x 10308

Generally speaking, the greater the depth, the larger the file size of the raster, so smaller depths are used when possible.

For example, if you have an elevation range that varies between sea level (0 m) and 200 m, and you don't need fractional values, you could use one-byte unsigned integers.

If you have a color photograph, the three RGB channels will need at least three integer bytes; but because of the power-of-two design of computer architectures, they are commonly stored as a four-byte quantity.

The fourth byte will sometimes hold information about a pixel's degree of transparency (or its inverse, opacity); it is then known as an alpha channel.

For most imagery formats ArcGIS can view the individual color channels. When opening such images, ArcMap and ArcCatalog treat them as “folders” that open up to list Band_1, Band_2, …. So if you want to view the combined format, you can’t double-click on the file, you need to click on it once and then click the button Add.

Often a rectangular raster will include pixels that cover locations that can't be assigned actual values, e.g. in an elevation data set that might lie over water. Such pixels are typically assigned a value or value combination that is understood to represent NoData. If ArcGIS can determine what that "color" is, it will display it as completely transparent (this special value may be stored in an associated .aux file).

The File Formats of Raster Data

Rasters may be stored in a number of different formats, which may or may not be compressed to save space. The greatest compression is usually achieved by using a lossy compression format that will not perfectly reconstruct the original data.

Raster File Formats

File Format File
World File
Pixel Type(s) Compression Description
Windows BitMaP .bmp .bpw, .aux Colormap
None (usually) The standard Windows image format, very basic.
Graphics Interchange Format .gif .gfw, .aux Colormap Lossless A compressed image format that is commonly used on the Internet for images with simple colors and structures, e.g. line drawings and simple scanned maps.
Portable Network Graphics .png .pgw, .aux Colormap
Lossless A compressed image format that is replacing .gif on the Internet due to its better compression and more flexible pixel types.
Tagged Image File Format .tif, .tiff internal
Optional lossless Commonly used for photographic work as well as scientific imaging, its use on the Internet is uneven due to its many variations.

A new version of the format, GeoTIFF, embeds transformation information in the TIFF header.
Joint Photographic Experts Group .jpg, .jpeg .jpw, .aux Grayscale
Lossy (can be lossless) An open standard that is commonly used on the Internet for photographs and other images with many gradations of color.
Joint Photographic Experts Group 2000 .jp2 .j2w, .aux Grayscale
Lossy (can be lossless) A newer open standard that stores multiple resolutions (scales). It is not yet completely supported on the Internet.
Multiresolution Seamless Image Database .sid internal
Lossy (can be lossless) A proprietary format that stores multiple resolutions (scales). Supported on the Internet only via web browser plug-in.
GRID None .aux Grayscale
Lossless ESRI's proprietary image format, not supported on the Internet.

The .aux format is ArcGIS-specific, so it will be less common even though it's more convenient, including both transformation and projection information. If present it will take precedence over a world file.

In addition to the auxiliary files, another associated ArcGIS file you may come across is the pyramid file, with file extension .rrd. It holds lower-resolution versions of the original image to facilitate rapid display when it's viewed at smaller scales. Multi-resolution files such as JPEG2 and MrSID include pyramids as part of their definition. When you add other formats lacking a pyramid file to a map, ArcGIS will ask if you want to build one; generally this is a good idea.

ArcGIS also stores statistics information for images in .xml files.

Rasters are far more prevalent on the Internet than other formats such as shapefiles or even XY tables, because they are often images that can be directly viewed. Make sure to also download associated world files, projection files, et al.!

Layer Properties Dialog, Source PageProcedure 1: Determining the Characteristics of a Raster Image

  1. In ArcMap Icon ArcMap, in the Table of Contents, double-click on the raster of interest, e.g.  amherst_2004.sid or  q117894.tif.
  2. In the dialog Layer Properties, click on the tab Source.
  3. Read the table Property | Value:
    1. In the section Raster Information, you should note the following:
      • The number of Columns and Rows in the raster (in this example, they are equal so it's square)
      • The Cellsize (X, Y) (pixel size) in the units of the coordinate system (in this example, it's again square).
      • The file Format;
      • The Number of Bands per pixel;
      • The Pixel Type and Pixel Depth;
      • If a Colormap is used;
      • If a NoData value is assigned;
      • If Compression is used.
    2. Scrolling down to the section Spatial Reference, you should note what that is, and also its Linear Unit (if it has one).
    3. Scrolling up to the section Extent, note the distance the raster covers in each direction

Exercise: How does the other raster differ?

Georeferencing Scanned Maps

Traditional paper maps contain a great deal of geographic information, so it's important to be able to incorporate them into GIS.

A Map of Amherst with a View of the College and Mount Pleasant Institution
by Alonzo Gray & Charles B. Adams,
Published May 1833 by
Pendleton’s Lithography, Boston, MA.
(Source: The David Rumsey Historical Map Collection,

Paper maps are ubiquitous, and often they contain data that are useful in a GIS map, e.g. as a background for other data or to compare modern features with historical locations.

A paper map must first be scanned into a digital format, a now-common procedure that we won’t go into here.

Scans of paper maps and aerial photos must then be spatially positioned to use them with other GIS data, a process known as georeferencing.

To position the scanned map so that it aligns with other GIS data, we can compare it with known reference points or control points, e.g. from an existing digital map or as collected by a GPS receiver.

At a minimum a scanned map must be moved to its correct geographic position, oriented properly, and scaled to its correct size; this requires at least two control points.

Sometimes traditional maps are distorted; this might be due to:

  • Poor measurement;
  • Intentional focus on the relative position of features;
  • Non-vertical perspective, e.g. in aerial photos and panoramic maps;
  • Unknown projection.

Such distortions will likely require a non-uniform scaling to align with known features; this requires at least six control points.

Procedure 2: Georeferencing a Scanned Map

For this procedure you must already have a scanned map available, e.g. the 1833 map of Amherst shown above. You must also have some reference layers for comparison, such as boundary files, orthophotos, or GPS points.

  1. Begin by adding the reference layer(s) and scanned map toArcMap Icon ArcMap:
    1. Add one or more reference layers for comparison, e.g.  amherst_boundary.lyrand  amherst_2004.sid (see Constructing and Sharing Maps for details).
    2. If you know or can guess the projection of the scanned map, change the spatial reference of the map to match (see Mapping Geographic Coordinate Data for details). Otherwise, if you don't want to match the reference layer(s), a good option is Mercator, since it is shape-preserving and also orients north upward, a common characteristic of paper maps.
    3. Add the scanned map, e.g.  amherst1833.sid.
    4. In the dialog ArcMap, you will be advised that One or more layers is missing spatial reference information…; click on the button OK.
    5. Because the scanned map has no spatial reference information, it will be positioned at the origin of coordinates, typically far from the reference layer(s).
      • Optional Step: In the toolbar Tools, click on the button  Full Extent. Viewing the full extent of the data will likely produce two widely separated specks, one the correctly positioned reference layer(s) and the other the unplaced scanned map. Can you tell which is which?
    6. To view the scanned map, right-click on its name in the Table of Contents and then click on the menu item  Zoom To Layer.
    7. Examine the added map and get a good idea of its extent and any marked boundaries.
    8. Return to the original location by right-clicking on a reference layer's name in the Table of Contents and then clicking on the menu item  Zoom To Layer.
    9. Zoom in or out from the reference layer so that its recognizable features roughly match those of the scanned map.
  2. Now initiate the georeferencing process:
    1. If the Georeferencing Toolbar is not already visible, click on the menu View, then point at the menu item Toolbars, then click on the menu item Georeferencing. After the toolbar appears, you can dock it out of the way, by clicking-and-dragging it anywhere around the window frames.
    2. In the toolbar Georeferencing, click on the menu Layer:, then click on the menu item for the scanned map (if isn’t already selected — ArcGIS will list all image layers without a spatial reference, and more than likely this will be the only one).
    3. Click on the menu Georeferencing, and then click on the menu item Fit to Display. The result will look something like the image at the right.
    4. This is a good time to save your map; in the toolbar Standard, click on the button  Save.
  3. You must now add a control point that links the same recognizable location on the two layers, by first clicking on it on the scanned map, and second clicking on it on the reference layer.
    1. Locations on the scanned map are recognizable in a number of ways:
      • Point features are typically labeled;
      • Linear features such as streets, railroads, rivers, canals, and political boundaries are usually labeled and have intersections or sharp corners;
      • Survey markers will often have explicit coordinates printed next to them;
      • A graticule will have intersections of meridians and parallels and explicit coordinates at the map edges.

      In the last two cases it's usually easiest to guess a coordinate location on the reference map and then correct it later, as described below. Warning: to use such coordinates you must be working in the spatial reference of the scanned map!

    2. When you have identified a location on both maps, in the toolbar Tools, click on the button  Zoom In, and then click and drag across both layers to draw a rectangle containing this location on both maps.
    3. If you can't clearly distinguish this location on the scanned map, drag another small rectangle around it to zoom in further.
    4. In the toolbar Georeferencing, click on the button  Add Control Points.
    5. In the scanned map, click on this recognizable location.
    6. If you’ve made a mistake, you can hit the key Escape to stop the link, and then continue with Step (i).
    7. If you zoomed in a second time in Step (b), then in the toolbar Tools click on the button  Go Back To Previous Extent.
    8. If you can't clearly distinguish the recognizable location on the reference layer:
      1. In the toolbar Tools, click on the button  Zoom In, and drag another small rectangle around it to zoom in further.
      2. In the toolbar Georeferencing, click on the button  Add Control Points. Notice that it still remembers that you have already initiated a control point by clicking on the scanned map.
    9. In the reference layer, click on the recognizable location.

      The scanned map will now shift its position to bring the two points into alignment.
    10. In the toolbar Tools, click on the button  Go Back To Previous Extent to return to the overview.
  4. Repeat Step 3 with a second recognizable location; this will uniformly scale and rotate the map to align both the first and second points.
  5. Repeat Step 3 a third time using a point that's widely separated from the line connecting the first two points. This will nonuniformly scale the map and rotate it to align all three points. This is called a first-order polynomial (affine) transformation.
  6. After a fourth application of Step 3, most likely the two points linking the ends of the control point will no longer be perfectly aligned, having some residual distance represented by a blue line, as seen to the left. This is because there are no additional free parameters in this transformation, and a best fit must be calculated.
  7. For most applications you will want to repeat Step 3 several more times, using points around the edge and then throughout the middle of the area of interest.
  8. A full description of the control points you have set up is provided in the Link Table.
    1. In the toolbar Georeferencing, click on the button  View Link Table.

      The dialog Link Table should now appear, listing each control point link and their starting (Source) and ending (Map) locations.
    2. If you click on any control point link in the table, it will also be highlighted in yellow on the map.
    3. The link table provides information about the residual distance between between the two ends of a control point link, and the Total RMS Error, an average of the residuals, which describes how far out of alignment the entire transformation is. We would like it to be as small as possible. Comparing individual residual distances to the total RMS error can indicate which control points are unusually separated. This might be due to:
      • poor surveying;
      • rerouting of roads, railroads, or canals, and the meandering of rivers;
      • deliberate abstractions, e.g. the separation of features to make them more distinguishable;
      • bad GPS readings;
      • accidental clicks.

      These points can be removed from consideration by clicking them in the table and pressing the key Delete.

    4. The X and Y values in the Link Table are editable; this is most useful if the control points are survey markers or graticule intersections whose values are printed on the map, and can be typed into the fields XMap and YMap.
    5. Warning: ArcMap does not store information about the link table, so to be able to return to where you left off after quitting or to restore from a crash, you should periodically save your table by clicking on the button Save… . This will let you create a text file storing your control points that can be reloaded later by clicking on the button Load… .
    6. Click on the button OK to dismiss the Link Table dialog.
  9. Another way to improve the fit is to use nonlinear transformations. Their effect on the scanned map may not always be desirable (for example, you wouldn’t use them on a presumably accurate map that merely needs to be positioned). There are several options available:
    1. In the toolbar Georeferencing, click on the button  View Link Table.
    2. In the dialog Link Table, click on the menu Transformation:, and then click on one of the following menu items:
      • If you have at least six control points, the item 2nd Order Polynomial becomes available. With exactly six, the Total RMS Error will be zero.
      • If you have at least ten control points, an additional option is 3rd Order Polynomial . With exactly ten, the Total RMS Error will be zero.
      • Also available with at least ten control points is the option Spline. It provides an exact fit for all additional control points, but can be very slow due to the large number of calculations required.
      • An option available at all levels is Adjust; it is very fast for even hundreds of control points, but produces discontinuities in the image at the points' exterior boundary.
    3. Click on the button OK to dismiss this dialog.
  10. Once you’re satisfied with the fit of the transformed map, you can save it as a new raster layer for later use. Be aware that this process can take a while for a large map.
    1. It's a good idea to first save your control points as described in Step 8(c).
    2. In the dialog Georeferencing, click on the menu item Rectify….
    3. In the dialog Save as, in the text field Output Location:, click on the button  Browse and select the folder (not the file) where you want to save the new raster.
    4. In the menu Format:, choose an output format; for scanned maps, JP2 or JPG is preferred, though PNG can also be good for relatively simple images. JPG is the most compatible with external applications and will typically produce the smallest files if you are willing to sacrifice image quality.
      • If you choose JP2 or JPG, in the text field Compression Quality (1-100): type a value or leave the default (anything less than 100 will be lossy).
    5. In the text field Name:, adjust the file name to be more descriptive, e.g. amherst1833rectified.jp2. Don't change the file extension here, use Step (d) instead. Warning: GRID-format names must have a base that's less than 13 characters long.
    6. Click on the menu Resample Type:, and then click on one of the menu items Bilinear Interpolation or Cubic Convolution(better but slower). The option Nearest Neighbor is best only for categorical data.
    7. The new raster’s cell size is initially based on that of the scanned map, and it's usually best to leave it at the default. You can, however, reduce the file size by increasing the cell size, by typing a new value in the text field Cell Size:.
    8. The new raster will be a rectangle in the current coordinate system, and that means that areas outside of the transformed map will be set to NoData. By default this value will be 0 (black), but you can assign those pixels another value (e.g. 1 — white) by filling in the text field NoData as:.
    9. Click on the button Save.
  11. Now review the rectified image:
    1. Add the rectified image to your map, e.g.  amherst1833rectified.jp2.
    2. The NoData areas can be made transparent as follows:
      1. Double-click on the name of the rectified image in the Table of Contents to bring up the dialog Layer Properties.
      2. Click on the tab Symbology;
      3. Click on the checkbox  Display Background Value: (R,G,B); leave the default color as No Color.
      4. Click the button OK.
    3. If you use a file format other than JPG or JP2 or PNG, ArcGIS automatically calculates the statistics of the colors in the image, and then uses them to provide what it thinks is a better color display. This is almost always incorrect for an actual image (as opposed to rasters describing quantities like elevation). To turn off the use of statistics for color display:
      1. Double-click on the name of the rectified image in the Table of Contents to bring up the dialog Layer Properties.
      2. Click on the tab Symbology;
      3. In the area Stretch, in the menu Type:, select the menu item None.
      4. Click the button OK.
    4. in the Table of Contents, click off the checkbox next to the name of the rectified image, e.g.  amherst1833rectified.jp2. You can now see that the rectified image matches the scanned map, the reference layer, and the control points.

Previous: Mapping Geographic Coordinate Data

Mapping Image Data

Following: Editing Vector Data

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